Top 10 Best Manga Volume Covers of All Time

Manga covers are an important aspect to a series. They invite new fans, and look great for collectors. These are the best around. First some rules. Only one cover per series, otherwise some of the best series would dominate this list. Also, no honorable mentions because that just makes the list longer than 10, and... Continue Reading →

It’s all in the Presentation: Aposimz vs Fire Punch

I recently had the displeasure of reading the first chapter of the manga Aposimz, by Tsutomu Nihei. A brief summary of event should be enough to show why this first chapter was so bad. The world is one of a harsh eternal winter. A young man plays a very important role in keeping his village... Continue Reading →

Fraction Manga Review

Just in time for Halloween, it's Fraction by Shintaro Kago. If you've never read anything by Shintaro Kago before (I hadn't before this manga) then be warned (as I was): there is some really disgusting stuff in here. This manga is much more disgusting than scary, but that still makes for a good Halloween read.... Continue Reading →

7 Billion Needles Manga Review

7 Billion Needles by Nobuaki Tadano is a manga inspired by (some even call it an adaption of) the science fiction novel Needle by Hal Clement. Going off a summary of the book (as I have not read it), the similarities are obvious, but this manga series goes quite a bit further than the novel.... Continue Reading →

Juni Taisen: Zodiac War Manga Review

The battle royale genre, started by the novel of the same name, has become a lot more popular recently. From the Fate franchise to even ya novels like The Hunger Games, it's hard to not have some experience with the harsh death games. The problem is most battle royale type stories took inspiration from the... Continue Reading →

Uratarou Manga Review

Uratarou is a manga by Atsuhi Nakayama that like so many manga out there, got cancelled before it could really achieve greatness. It actually had more of a start than most manga get, but that couldn't save it. There is still an ending here though, but it's about what you'd expect. There are still some... Continue Reading →

Monster Manga Review

Monster is Naoki Urasawa's best known work, and it's not just because it has an anime. This is easily his most accessible work because of how mundane it starts. That doesn't make it worse than his other works, on the contrary, Monster is one of his best works. Monster begins with Dr. Tenma, a young,... Continue Reading →

Nijigahara Holograph Manga Review

Yet again, I review a manga from a famous mangaka, but in a genre they are not well known for. Inio Asano has written a lot of drama/ slice of life stuff, but Nijigahara Holograph is very different from all of those. At least on the surface, it is. This mysterious horror manga is actually... Continue Reading →

Assassination Classroom Manga Review

Assassination Classroom is a comedy manga by Yusei Matsui. It is notable for ending on the author's own terms while running in Shonen Jump, which doesn't usually happen. It's great that it ended on the author's own terms, but was that enough to make it good? In short, yes. The manga is about a class... Continue Reading →

Billy Bat Manga Review

Billy Bat is one of the latest complete manga from master mangaka Naoki Urasawa, and his most recent series that wasn't a one shot or short term collaboration. Like most Urasawa manga, this one is confusing, complex, and a masterpiece. It is one of his harder manga to get into though. Billy Bat begins with... Continue Reading →

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